COCO and the Pixar "Easter Eggs"
If you have not yet seen, or plan to see, the new Disney Pixar movie "Coco", then read this first.
There is a wonderful article with pictures posted of all the "easter eggs" the animators included in the film. It is located here.
So when you go to see the movie, see if you can find the easter eggs! If you have, let me know!
An "easter egg" is an image that has been inserted into several Pixar animated feature films as a homage to past films or the animators. For example, as it relates to Pixar movies, you are likely to see reference to A113 (from the CalArts classroom of many of the original Pixar animators), or the Pizza Planet truck and other toys from the Toy Story movies, etc.
I saw this movie this weekend. And it is pretty darn good. I plan to see it again soon! (and I only caught a few of the easter eggs, that Pizza Planet truck is fast! hint, hint) As for the 21 minute Frozen animated short that preceded it, I have to say, I was disappointed in it. Please share your thoughts and let me know if you saw the movie in the comments!
(Photo credit Disney)