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Save Money Now for your next Disney trip - on ticket prices

Two things happen in February. Valentines Day and Disney World raises park ticket prices._

Based on recent history (and recent profits from ticket sales at Disney parks in 2017), it wouldn’t surprise me if prices for multi-day Day Park Hoppers increased another $15-20 per ticket. (For a family of four, that’s can be an increase of $60-80)._

If you are planning a vacation and not looking to do a vacation package (e.g. Disney Resort+Passes - with or without Disney Dining), then you may want to purchase tickets before this inevitable increase. BUT before you buy, look at these factors depending on when you plan to visit Disney World:

1. The ticket expiration date (usually by end of next year); will you definitely be traveling to Disney to use these tickets? (they are not transferable).

2. Once you use one day of a multi-day park pass, you have 14 days to use the remainder. Will you be able to use all the days of a multi-day ticket?

3. You must purchase the child's ticket for the age the child will be at the time of use. If purchasing a child ticket ages 3-9, will the child still be that age at time of travel?

Again, there's no guarantee that there will be an increase, but if history repeats itself, odds are there will be.

My advice, contact me, as I can look at what Disney Vacation Packages are currently available and what may come in the future (based on past patterns). My services are at NO CHARGE to you, so it doesn't hurt to contact me to help you make an informed decision.

But if you are going to purchase park tickets in advance:

1. do so before the end of January

2. you can purchase them through me (at anytime with or without a Disney Package at the current price.)

Please share this information with friends who may also be considering visiting Disney. Thanks.




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